Saturday, November 20, 2010

a gift

this week our small group was meeting for the first time in about 6 weeks. busy lives and the challenge of getting 8 calendars to match with an unscheduled friday night led us to a drought of get-togethers. so on monday i decided that instead of our usual pot luck style dinner, i wanted to cook the whole meal, a harvest feast, as a gift. i had all the recipes that i wanted to try. and i wanted everyone to just come and receive. using the good china, creating a beautiful centerpiece, lots of candles, and some of my favorite people at our just sounded like a perfect idea.

and then the week began. and what felt like a gift on monday turned into a burden.

how does that happen, that the challenge, the difficulty of carrying out the plan, completely overshadows and swallows up the joy that set the whole thing in motion? as soon as i recognized the shifting in my heart i decided to fight back. to stand firm in the joy of giving the gift instead of collapsing into the earthquake of toil and hassle.

and there was some hassle. like my carrot cake mysteriously exploding in my oven. that was a huge mess. and an enormous inconvenience. but with a little perspective and gratefully having all the ingredients to make another one, i was able to chuckle about it. not a martha stewart moment. more like seinfeld which i actually like better anyway.

the dinner was wonderful. just like i hoped. fantastic food, wonderful friends, authentic and vulnerable conversation, beauty all around, a glorious harvest feast.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

busy, busy

i am slammed today, stuff back to back to back. and that's great. it makes me appreciate and depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and recognize how God surprises me with beauty to encourage me in the hard places of life.

like this glorious bush which reminded me of the burning bush. beautiful!

hope your day is full of His power and beauty too.

Monday, November 1, 2010


for a God who sees the orphan and for those love them. remembering last year in africa explaining halloween and trick or treating to precious orphans.

me: kids dress in costumes and go to the doors of their neighbors and say "trick or treat" and they get candy.

them: for nothing?

me: right. just for being cute kids in costumes.

them: one piece?

me: sometimes more. and then they go to the next house and do it again.

them: how much candy do they get?

me: ummm, alot.

them: wow.

wishing i was there to give them not just candy but love.

hooray for mondays #2

seriously lame title. not feeling so hooray this morning. but i do have the next of my 3 music faves to tell you about.
jj heller. i listened to her cd painted red repeatedly a year ago while in africa. it was a beautiful soundtrack to an amazing trip. she has a rich, full voice and her song lyrics are thick with meaning. love it.

and now she has a new cd! hooray!
available on itunes.