Wednesday, February 11, 2009

my perfect day

why is it such a great day? just an ordinary day but full, full of so many things i cherish and love.

my sweet max has the flu. i know, that sucks. but we didn't have to rush to school, and hew woke up without an alarm (that is luxury!) and has these cute little flushed cheeks, like when he was a baby. except for the little mustache stubble above his 13 year old lips!

i taught bible study this morning. 250 smiling women there to soak up more Jesus. and my lesson was titled "zombies, bigfoot, unicorns and obstacles". no one ran out of the sanctuary when they saw that because they trust me, they believe i will make some sense of a silly title and that it will impact their lives. what a privilege.

i had this picture in my lesson.

that is my dear friend reenie holding a goat. we roomed together- reenie, the goat and i- at a retreat where i was the featured speaker. that story fell into the part about was the goat i was referring to. don't you love how he is sticking his tongue out? goats smell by the way.

then i had a luncheon with the 17+ ladies who serve with me in bible study leadership. we ate yummy potatoes and 3 of these women told their stories of their faith journey. amazing, beautiful, painful, redemptive, glorious stories. i love my ministry.

then off to great american quilt factory to pick up a quilt! yea! business! i also had a phone call from a new customer. hooray! 2 quilts in one day!
i made quick trip to super target and had a wonderful talk on the phone with my friend prissy. she is one of the best moms in the world. and she is a great encourager. i love her.

tonight i am waiting for the sweet mr. david to return home from a meeting so we can watch fringe and lost, 2 of our favorite shows. i am proud to confess, i like TV. liza is next to me here doing homework, max and annie goofing off in the basement, button snoozing on me and my february lady sweater knitting project is calling my name. (i'm on the sleeves now, much farther than this but this is the only pic i have.)

today was a perfect day.